

I’m Annie!

BrainVive Neuro Rehab Update!

BrainVive Neuro Rehab Update!

UPDATE: It’s been 8 months now, and Grey has continued to have so much improvement. We are SO proud of him, and most importantly he is so proud of himself. Math is so much easier for him (it used to be a lot of tears, frustration, yelling) - he is rocking fractions right now. He actually SMILES when doing math practice. His handwriting is massively improved, his executive function skills have improved. He handles change so well, is calm, and honestly may be the most reasonable and regulated human in our household right now ha. Clothing OCD isn’t an issue anymore, he goes to this co-op during the week and rarely has any reluctance. If he does have a hard morning, he can get through it and it isn’t a huge deal like it used to be. Zero defiance, and he is still doing well with his little sis. I mean they are normal sibilings LOL let’s put it that way.

It’s been 2 months since we packed up the fam, drove to Atlanta, rented an airbnb for 2 weeks, and embarked on a twice a day Neuro Rehab program at BrainVive - and I am so so so excited and happy to share our results so far!!!
We’ve seen major improvement in separation anxiety, school refusal, ocd tendencies, handwriting, attitude, and overall a happier, more chill kid.
First, a little back story - we have been healing my 10 year old son from PANDAS since May 2023. (Here is our journey on that.) We’ve seen massive improvement with classical homeopathy and inflammation reducing supplements and oils - but I felt like there was a missing piece to his healing.

A friend I knew through work and instagram had reached out to me a few times early in our PANDAS journey to tell me about BrainVive - a Neuro Rehab program she and her husband run in Atlanta. It always interested me but it just never felt like the right time, and I wasn’t mentally in a place to look into it. A year into my son’s PANDAS diagnosis, Jess reached out again and just said basically “I really think this could help Grey, can we have a phone call.” and it just clicked for me - I wanted to hear more. He had been doing so so well, but we were seeing a new symptom pop up - anxiety with school and being apart from me - and some OCD tendencies, and something told me to talk to her. We talked for about 30 minutes, and I was already booking my dates at BrainVive and looking at airbnbs by the end of the call. We were going!!!!

We decided to have my 6 year old daughter also do the program, since we’d all be there together anyways. She is very very attached to me, so I figured it could only help her too!

We stayed just a few minutes away from the center, which made it really easy to get to our 2x a day sessions. We had one in the morning, 30 mins for each child (they have a GREAT playroom at the center, it has a sensory swing, books, a chalkboard, a play kitchen, trucks and trains - the kids loved it) - then we’d head home for lunch, come back for the second session, and then have the rest of the day to go explore the town. There was a TON to do in that area - I will share my list at the end! It made for a really nice flow to the day.

I could not understand how my kids were going to lay on a table in a dark room for 30 mins twice a day, but Jess assured me that kids do it all the time HA! And she was right. The room is dark, the bed is comfy, they are cozied up under a soft blanket, the table moves gently, they have headphones on that play sound, and the lightbox is just above their head. They get to pick different things to fidget with - Mila was partial to the glow in the dark dino and every single pop-it - Grey liked all the stretchy worm things lol. Parents can sit in the room too! Mila liked me to massage her feet and hands like the queen she is.

The program is 12 consecutive days in the center, and then 18 days of light therapy at home. They send you home with a small lightbox, and the kids just sit in a dark room twice a day for 20 mins with it. I bought a Yoto player and they listened to books and stories and loved it! This went honestly much easier than I thought. They had zero issues doing their at home treatment!

Results can start to be seen during treatment, to a few weeks after, to 3 months after when new neuropathways have had a chance to fully form.

We are two months out, and here are some of the changes we’ve seen.

  • OCD tendencies are improved - Grey was in this phase where he would only wear the same 1 pair of shorts (that they no longer make anymore, so my own panic was mounting lol) and the same style grey t-shirt. It started with 2 pairs of shorts, then moved to the t-shirts - so it was getting more intense. HAPPY TO SAY he now has THREE pairs of shorts he will wear, and multiple different shirts!! And there is no arguing or bribing involved. He just…doesn’t care anymore. It’s no longer a daily conversation. THIS IS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!

  • School anxiety, refusal - much better! We ended last year with every day him having to be pryed off of me by a teacher, and lots of tears. It was heartbreaking to see. He went to 3 camps this summer and each drop off was better than the last. He started a new co-op this week. First day, a few tears but allowed me to take him to class and leave. 2nd day, no tears, and walked to his seat on his own. I am so proud of him.

  • Attitude - he is much kinder and more patient with his sister. This has been one of my biggest stressors!!!

  • Defiance - this was a big one. We have seen massive massive improvement. He just lets things go. Is more cooperative. Happier. More chill. Sometimes I have to tell him to do something, or stop doing something and I brace myself for the defiance…and lately…it doesn’t come. He just says “okay” and moves along.

  • Handwriting - when he was diagnosed with PANDAS, his handwriting skills went backwards. They are improving again, and he can follow instruction better.

He is just happier, calmer, less tightly wound, if that makes sense. I’ve teared up a million times talking about this, writing this, every time I see him come out of his room in a different shirt, or do something nice for Mila, I just am overwhelmed with gratitude. Healing is not linear, there are always ups and downs, but MAN it feels good to see these huge huge wins for him, and for us as a family.

Jess & Chris at Brainvive were so kind to offer a discount code for their program for my followers too.
Mention ANNIEH when you book, and you’ll receive:

  • a complimentary consultation ($249 value)

  • $200 off your program

  • for families, an additional $400 off each subsequent program

Contact: BrainVive


What is Brainvive?
The protocol at BrainVive, a neuro rehab training center, uses light, sound, smell and motion simultaneously to create powerful change in perception. Each session challenges an individual’s dominant systems to adapt to this input and work more efficiently. Neuroplasticity allows for the ability of neural networks to be altered when these sessions are repeated over a short period of time.
It is a non-invasive program to help train a person’s most dominant sensory systems. This multi-sensory approach impacts the visual, vestibular, auditory and limbic systems and takes advantage of neuroplasticity.

How does it work?
Through the use of light, sound, and motion the Neuro Rehab Protocol works at the brainstem level to promote healthy growth and repair of neural pathways that are crucial for the foundation of our nervous system. By stimulating these dominant systems, in a condensed amount of time, new neural pathways are created. Without a strong foundation our sensory systems become easily dysregulated negatively impacting the way we go through our day-to-day life. Individuals lay on a rotating table, receive auditory input through headphones, and light therapy from above.

Who is this program for?
Everyone can benefit from the Neuro Rehab Protocol, however, an easy way to determine candidacy is through our 90-minute evaluation process. Typically, we see ages 3 to 75-years-old.

We see significant shifts in those dealing with:
● High-stress
● High-anxiety
● Reading and learning difficulties & dyslexia
● Supportive of those with PANS/PANDAS/LYME
● Post-concussion syndrome
● Traditional sensory difficulties and more

How long is it?
The Neuro Rehab Protocol is a 30-day program broken up into 2 phases. The first 12 consecutive days take place in our center (straight through the weekend) where adults come 1x/day and children 18 and under come 2x/day. Adult sessions last 1 hour and each child session lasts 30 minutes. Typically, time between the 2 child sessions is 2 - 3 hours (i.e., 7:30am and 10:30am). You can do two family members at once as well.

Can I complete my evaluation and begin the program on the same day?
You can! We see hundreds of families who travel from out-of-town to complete our program and most of these families choose to have their evaluation completed on the same-day they are beginning their protocol.

What does an evaluation consist of?
For children 5 years and older we attempt completion of an evaluation that is made up of 3 parts: an auditory profile, central & peripheral visual fields, and m-CTSIB to assess performance of balance and inputs when the sensory systems are compromised.



  • Peach Tree Corners - cutest town green with splash pad, huge playground, ninja course, tons of places to eat! We went here pretty much daily.

  • Tiny Towne Driving School - they have a town set up and 9+ can drive golf carts around! There are smaller cars for younger kids to drive too and an arcade. My kids loved this, we went twice.

  • Kid’s Empire - giant indoor playplace

  • Xtreme Hopp (John’s Creek) - indoor trampoline place

  • Georgia Aquarium - this was great - very nice layout!!! loved it!!

  • Halcyon - great shopping, big green in the middle with a sandbox, lots of food options. This was cool!

  • Forum - shopping

  • The Avalon is a nice shopping center in Alpharetta

  • Refuge Coffee - so yummy

  • Human Bean coffee

  • Butter & Cream Ice Cream

RECS FROM OTHER PEOPLE / we didn’t get to these

parks / thrasher park, pinnacle park
garden hills pool 
webb bridge lark
pirates cove mini golf 
mcdaniel farm park
social fox brewing  
Children’s Museum
Braves Games @ Truist Park and the Battery 
Avalon Outdoor shopping and food
Lee’s Bakery
Dai Viet
Jinya - ramen!
Kinsen Thai
Roswell - adorable southern town.  Go to Roswell Provisions and Linen and Flax. Osteria Mattone for Italian  or Table and Main for southern. Vickery Falls nearby for a very short waterfall hike fun for kids.  Fellows Cafe - really lovely food
Alpharetta- trendy fun town.  Shop boutiques. Valor for coffee there. Kilwins for kids to get chocolate Citizen Soul for a meal
Norcross- Wednesday night run club and trivia night at Cultivation Brewery.  Such a family friendly environment.  Good beer. Bleu House for delicious sandwiches. The Crossing - good salad
Duluth - playground