

Iā€™m Annie!




Oh my goodness. We are home. Missing our baby, exhausted, and ready for our own bed, but so so so full of happiness and gratitude and purpose and knowledge and excitement. I knew we'd have fun at our first convention, but what I didn't know was how much deeper the connection would be when we left. A deeper connection in our marriage, a deeper connection to this company, to our team, and to our friends. I knew that Young Living was legit when it came to essential oils, because I did my research for weeks before getting my oils. I knew they had their own farms, I knew they had the most experience in essential oils, and the best and safest essential oils, and the only ones I'd ever let touch my son, but what I didn't know was how truly deep that went. I got to see Seed to Seal with my own eyes, and to touch it with my own hands. I got to understand the depth of what it means to love on people and love on this earth. It's ALL we've got. I got to see the heart that goes into everything this company and these people surrounding it stands for. I learned about the Young Living Foundation ( and the work they do in Uganda and Nepal and Ecuador. I met the people, the executives, the friends, the real, live everyday people that go and help and build and rebuild and support these people and children in need. I watched as over $800,000 was raised in 4 days for the Young Living Foundation. Where every CENT goes to building schools and homes and food and clothing. We were able to sponsor a little boy (not much older than Grey) in Ecuador, and our sponsorship will provide meals, clothing, and school supplies so he can attend the Young Living Academy. We'll get to meet him when we go to Ecuador next year, and smother him with hugs and kisses in person. It's AWESOME. The message radiating all over convention was LOVE ON PEOPLE. The energy everywhere was support and love and wellness and sharing that. It was life changing. I spent hours sitting around tables connecting with people who had so much to offer. People who truly embody the phrase BE A RIVER. Pouring out so much into everyone they meet. If you thought this was all about some yummy smelling oils you would be so so wrong. Yes, we were the best smelling 22,000 people in Utah, but it's so much more than that. I am so beyond thankful to be part of this family of people who have made it their life's mission to move others towards wellness and wholeness.