Before, I didn’t know. There were years and years and years I didn’t know. I wasn’t paying attention.
The body wash, the candles, the face cream, the scented plug-ins, the lotions, the cleaners, the toothpaste, the laundry soap and dish soap. My makeup. My every day items. I just didn’t know.
I didn’t know they were filled with chemicals that caused cancer. And fertility issues. And asthma. And disrupted our endocrine systems. And screwed up our gut health, causing allergies and eczema. I didn’t know.
But then I did. I started to learn. Slowly, I started to replace. One by one. Not all at once, not overnight. A few at a time. One month, it was all the cleaning supplies. The dryer sheets, and laundry stuff. Then next, I learned about my skin care. Then, my makeup. Baby steps.
I did it because I am worth it. you are worth it. your babies are worth it. your family is worth it. all our families are worth it.
if👏🏻you👏🏻are👏🏻not👏🏻outraged, you👏🏻are👏🏻 not👏🏻paying👏🏻attention.
if you’ve read that, and are now outraged, YES FRIEND, YES. I know the feeling.
switch. them. out. if you’re overwhelmed on where to start, reach out. no judgement from me. i was you, just a few years before. ❤️❤️❤️ i get it.