

I’m Annie!



There is a lot around us we can’t control. There are toxins coming at us from every direction, all the time. The one place we do have control is in our home. We are the gatekeepers here! We control what we bring in, through what we eat, how we grocery shop, the products we buy to clean our home and take care of our bodies.
We can also do things to mitigate the effects of EMFs, wifi, and 5G on ur bodies. This is a BIG deal. The dangers of exposure are real. Even turning off wifi when you aren’t using it (especially while sleeping) and using airplane mode on phones is an easy way to make a difference.

I am realllly impacted by EMFs/wifi/5G. My body feels jittery if I don’t take care of blocking it well annddd I work on my phone. 🤪🤪 So. I have to be mindful! I notice a difference in my kid’s sleep especially when we are exposed heavily to it. I’ve taken some steps to help lessen and block the exposure where I can, and some steps to soften the impact on our bodies as well.


I get mine from Wild Alabaster.

Black Tourmaline:
This is your bodyguard. It its incredibly grounding, and protects against negative energy. It absorbs electromagnetic energy such as emf and radiation. I keep this in my office and next to my bed.

Place your shungite in areas dense with wifi. In the office, in your purse, your pockets, your car. This is carbon rock and will protect againts harmful electromagnetic energy such as EMF, radiation, and 5G

We also have some orgonite towers from Rooted.Og!


So for household devices, we do what we can. I like the products from EMF Solution.

We have the cellphone chips on the back of our phone (they fit under the Loopy cases!!!), and on the back of the kid’s ipads. We also have the laptop chips as well. I love all the research they provide, and they have so. many different bundle options too! There is also a company called SafeSleeve that makes cases for phones and ipads! We’ve also used these stickers, but the cell phone chip above seems to work much better.

Smart Meter / Wifi Router:
We also use the Smart Meter Guard on the smart meter outside our home, and have a wifi router guard on the wifi box. When Shielded Healing came out to test, they were able to confirm that these worked really well!


Shielded Healing is a professional EMF testing and mitigating service we had done when we first moved into our home. We started with taking care of the kid’s bedrooms, since they spend literally half their lives in their rooms while sleeping and playing.


Somavedic is a device to help mitigate the impact of these stressors on the body. I have ours right in the middle of the house! It has a 100ft radius (like a bubble!)

One thing I noticed is my sleep has GREATLY improved, and I felt less anxious when we started using it.

It helps with:
+ EMF radiation (4G/5G, WiFi, phones)
+ Geopathic stress, water crosses
+ Curry and Hartmann lines
+ Oxidative stress / Free radicals
+ Harmonizes water so that our bodies and cells can utilize it better
+ Put your water jug next to your Somavedic overnight

Head to their science page to read alllll the deets. I have a code if you wanna grab one - it’s ANNIE for 10% off! 

I hope these give you some ideas and places to start your research. <3